Online Open House & Information Session

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 @6:30pm

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Grad Adapted Program





GAP stands for the Grad Adapted Program and it is designed to help those students...

Grad Adapted Program


GAP stands for the Grad Adapted Program and it is designed to help those students who face learning challenges in the areas of reading, written output and executive functioning skills. Students in this program graduate with the BC Dogwood. Students can be in GAP for all their courses or for some GAP and some online or blended with TLA. Students in GAP may not be cross enrolled with another school except in cases that have been approved by the vice principal and GAP coordinator.

Major Units & Topics

Student grades will be adjusted due to the adapted nature of these courses. For core courses (excluding Math), the highest percent a student can achieve will be 80%. If students feel they are able to work beyond the course package and wish to achieve a higher grade, that can be done through a CAPSTONE project that can be developed in discussion with the student’s teacher.



Independent Guided Studies





Students are encouraged to meet the requirements of their courses simultaneously through project work. When...

Independent Guided Studies


Students are encouraged to meet the requirements of their courses simultaneously through project work. When possible, students can work with other peers in the program to complete a project. There is a great deal of flexibility for students in IGS to pursue topics of their own interest or to follow a textbook or program they are familiar with from previous years. The program is truly adaptive to the needs and preferences of the student.

Major Units & Topics

Due to the highly personalized approach of the program, assessment of student work is determined in collaboration with the student based on the materials and plan for learning.



Time Commitment

100-120 hours per course

Introduction to Online Learning





Introduction to Online and Blended Learning gives students the basic skills needed to successfully navigate...

Introduction to Online Learning


Introduction to Online and Blended Learning gives students the basic skills needed to successfully navigate TLA’s online courses. Students will learn about The Hub, school email, cloud-based document creation, virtual classes, and of course how to upload assignments, take quizzes and properly participate in forum discussions. Throughout the course, students can demonstrate proficiency in the tools and skills that are widely used at TLA Online and gain two graduation course credits.

Major Units & Topics

Using Gmail

How to Submit Online Work

TLA's systems including the HUB and Moodle

Video Conferencing

Digital Tools

Digital Citizenship


Assignments 50%

Quizzes 50%
