Accounting 11
Accounting 11 explores the fundamental concepts of accounting. Students will use templated spreadsheets (Google Sheets,...
Accounting 11
In Accounting 11 students will develop their understanding in the following areas: the accounting equation,...
Active Living (PE) 11
Earn credit while working toward a healthier lifestyle! Along with your in-class physical activity, the...
Active Living (PE) 11
Students are encouraged to participate lifelong in a variety of enjoyable physical activities to increase...
Applied Skills (Woodworking) 11
Applied Skills is a project-based course where you can get guidance and support as you...
Art Studio 11
In Art Studio 11, students will build on skills learned in previous studies. This course...
Automotive Technology 11
Automotive Technology 11 is an introduction to a broad range of mechanical theory, with some...
Bible 11
Bible 11 focuses on providing students with the opportunity to explore their worldview and personal...
Chemistry 11
How is the periodic table organized? How do reactions work? How can I determine if...
Chemistry 11
Chemistry is the branch of science concerned with matter. Chemistry 11 offers a broad introduction...
Choral Music 11
The Choral Music 11 program offers students the opportunity to pursue their personal musical goals...
Composition 11
Composition 11 focuses on students developing their competencies in written communication. Exploring various styles of...
Computer Programming 11
WebTech 11 is a blended and online course that covers the Computer Programming 11 curricular...
Computer Programming 11
In this introductory online programming course, students will use Unity to learn the fundamentals of...
Core French 11
In this course, students will learn concepts and vocabulary related to tourism and recreation, professions...
Dance Choreography 11
The Dance Choreography 11 course offers students both the exploration of the choreographic process and...
Dance Technique and Performance 11
The Dance Technique and Performance 11 course will teach students basic dance technique and performance...
Drama 11
Drama 11 is intended as an overview to dramatic and theatrical arts. Students are introduced...
Drama 11
Students will use the creative process to suspend their disbelief and create compelling dramatic performances....
Earth Sciences 11
Earth Science 11 is a survey course exploring many facets of planet Earth – its...
Explorations in Social Studies 11
Explorations in Social Studies 11 focuses on students building deep understandings through inquiry processes and...
Film and Television 11
Lights! Camera! Action! Welcome to Film and Television 11, a creative and self-directed course designed...
Fitness & Conditioning (PE) 11
Personal fitness can be maintained or enhanced through participation in a variety of activities at...
Food Studies 11
Students will prepare an array of international foods, learning through multi-resource instruction, activities and food...
Forensics 11
Fingerprints. Blood spatters. Gunshot residue. If these things intrigue you rather than scare you, this...
Foundations of Math 11
Foundations of Math 11 is one of the grade 11 math courses that follows Foundations/Pre-Calculus...
Humanities 11
Humanities 11 focuses on students building deep understandings through inquiry processes and collaboration. Students will...
Humanities 11 (12 credits)
Humanities 11 weaves together literary studies, Canadian law, Indigenous studies, global geography, social justice issues,...
Humanities 11 (8 credits)
Humanities 11 Blended is a new course that weaves together Explorations in Social Studies 11...
Instrumental Music 11
Instrumental Music 11 offers students the opportunity to pursue their goals in music while receiving...
Introductory French 11A
This course is designed for students with little or no background in French or for...
Introductory French 11B
This course is a follow up to Introductory French 11A and covers concepts learned in...
Introductory Spanish 11
In this course, students will learn concepts and vocabulary related to everyday life, time, travel,...
Leadership 11
Do you want to help set the tone for our TLA school community and plan...
Life Sciences 11
Life Science 11 is an overview of the main principles of ecology, natural selection, and...
Life Sciences 11
Life Science 11 is an overview course that provides the opportunity to develop awareness and...
Literary Studies 11
Focused Literary Studies 11 allows students to deeply explore and engage with a variety of...
Marketing and Promotion 11
The marketing industry plays a key role in shaping the world we live in. The...
Music: Composition and Production 11
Music: Composition and production 11 Takes you through the basics of Music Theory, Song Arrangement...
Musical Theatre 11
Musical Theatre 11 focuses on developing singing/acting/movement skills in a variety of musical theatre performing...
Outdoor Education 11
If you love the outdoors and want to challenge yourself to some skills and adventure,...
Peer Tutoring 11
This course is a combination of research, self-reflection, tutoring and applying what you have learned....
Photography 11
Have you ever wondered how photographers take such great pictures? Have you tried to take...
Physics 11
The study of Physics 11 provides students with the foundations for post-secondary physical sciences, astronomy...
Physics 11
The study of Physics 11 provides students with the foundations for post-secondary physical sciences, astronomy...
Pre-Calculus 11
Pre-Calculus 11 prepares students to solve problems, communicate and reason mathematically, and make connections between...
Pre-Calculus 11
Pre-Calculus 11 prepares students to solve problems, communicate and reason mathematically, making connections between mathematics...
Saxon Math 11
This is a two-year online course. Entry begins when you are partway through Saxon Algebra...
Spanish 11
In this course, students will learn concepts and vocabulary related to exploring the world, modern...
Textiles 11
Students have the opportunity to develop their sewing skills, creating personal projects while building their...
Theatre Production 11
In Theatre Production 11, students gain the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become participants...
Workplace Math 11
Workplace Math 11 introduces you to personal finance, investments, and loans. You will also continue...
Workplace Math 11
Workplace Math 11 introduces you to personal finance, investments, and loans. You will also continue...