The research community invites teachers to nominate promising future scientists and researchers to attend the following free education events at BC Children’s Hospital.
Intended for students in grades 10-12, these events are an opportunity to learn about new and exciting research discoveries, meet some of Canada’s leading researchers, and get a behind-the-scenes look at a variety of research-related careers.
Nominations are accepted on first-come, first-serve basis. Students cannot register themselves. As space is limited, not all nominated students are guaranteed a seat. All events are extremely popular, we encourage you to nominate students as soon as nomination forms are available.
Please let Mrs. VanderHorst know as soon as possible if you would like to be nominated for any of the events. Details for each event are listed below.
Mini Med School
Curriculum – The 2017 Mini Med School series, presented by Mini Med School Dean Dr. Kishore Mulpuri, will provide insight into the world of surgery. Topics will include: neurosurgery, orthopedics, anesthesia, plastic surgery and surgical training.
Schedule -This 6-part series takes place Wednesdays, October 18 to November 22, 7:00-9:00 pm at BC Children’s Hospital.
Nominating Students – Nomination forms will be available online starting Monday, September 25 at 3:00 pm. Each school can nominate a maximum of 2 students to attend, please refer to the Nomination Guidelines for details.
Gairdner High School Symposium
Curriculum – The Gairdner High School Symposium gives students the opportunity to hear from Gairdner award-winning scientists and attend a behind-the-scenes tour of BC Children’s Hospital research facilities. Event Poster
Schedule – This half-day event is scheduled for Monday, October 23, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Nominating Students – The registration form will be available online starting September 25. Each school can register a maximum of 20 students to attend, please refer to the Registration Guidelines for details.
Discovery Days in Health Sciences
Curriculum – At Discovery Days in Health Sciences students explore a variety of careers in medicine and the health sciences, interacting with researchers, clinicians and educators in their real-life work setting. The day is comprised of a dynamic keynote lecture, hands-on workshops and a career panel discussion.
Schedule – This event is scheduled for Friday, December 8, 8:00 am to 3:15 pm.
Nominating Students – School registration is now available online. Once a school has been registered teachers may nominate students to attend. Each school can nominate a maximum of 2 students to attend, please refer to the Registration Guidelines for details.
Research Open House
Curriculum – The Research Open House at BC Children’s Hospital is an interactive morning event that offers high school students an opportunity to visit research labs, interact with research trainees and participate in research activities
Schedule – This half-day event is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 8:45 am to 12:00 pm.
Nominating Students – Nomination forms will be available online in early March 2018. Each school can nominate a maximum of 3 students to attend, please refer to the Nomination Guidelines for details.