We are slowly but surely increasing the number of consumable resources that we have in stock as samples for teachers and parents to check out in person. Who doesn’t love flipping through the pages of a workbook or opening the box of a board game in person instead of purchasing online based on the cover and a written description!?
A TLA Learning Support Services (formally known as Special Needs) teacher suggested we have a couple of these Independent Tactile Teaching Tools (or ITTT) Boards in the library for parents and teachers to see in person. What are they?
According to their website, ITTTBoards.com, “ITTT Boards promote independent learning through literacy and numeracy activities. Learners are given the opportunity to practice and advance these skills daily with the use of our calendar board and activity board. Once the target learning goal is introduced (i.e. ordering numbers), ITTT Boards allow learners to review their tasks and work at their own pace without more assistance from the teacher. For most students, adding the extra sense of touch to an activity helps with focus and the overall learning process. The task of putting pencil to paper is removed and replaced by manipulatives and motion. The repetitive nature of the activities encourages independence.Independence is key to helping a student gain confidence in a task or activity. ”
An ITTT Board set would be ordered as a consumable because of the self-assembly of the pieces upon arrival plus so many little pieces to keep track of. For $45, a parent could get both the activity and calendar sets which includes one Calendar Board, one Activity Board, Numbers Tiles 0 – 100, Alphabet Tiles A – Z, Months (12), Day Numbers (31), Days of the Week (7), and Calendar Activity Tiles. If only one set interests you, it’s $25 for one set.
ITTTBoards.com gives lots of ideas for activities here.
But here’s the best part – we have TWO at the library as samples so that you can check it out in person when you stop by. LSS teachers – if you want to borrow one to take with you to a meeting with one of your families, let me know! I will get it into your hands so you can share an ITTT Board with students and families who would benefit from this tactile resource.