Welcome back to school! The LSS department is excited to embark on a new school year with each of you. We are please to introduce two new teachers: Elda Egan (Prince George) and Kerry Watson (Courtney).
As our learning services department continues to grow, we are happy to offer two new programs this school year.
SEL (Social Emotional Learning): SEL class is now full, but we are taking a wait list to open a second session. This program is designed to assist and increase confidence and esteem for students at risk in the areas of communicating with others, building friendships and developing emotional regulation skills and strategies. Please contact your LSS teacher for more information.
LSS Support Block: We are pleased to provide an academic support block this year, taught by Mrs. Virginia Hooper. The block will not only provide academic support but strive to support students in developing executive functioning and organization skills. Please contact your LSS teacher for further information.
Lindsay Sanderson
LSS Vice Principal