Summer Closure:  Please note that our office will close on July 22nd for summer break.  All systems will be offline starting July 29th.  The office and all online systems will re-open again on August 6th.

Written by:

Gabe Linder


October 29, 2018

TLA staff had a wonderful time learning and working together on Monday and Tuesday last week. We focused on supporting TLA families and each other as a staff through themes of communication, consistency, and community. As you likely are aware, we have an unusual work environment as a Distributed Learning school. Our office staff are on site every day, but our teaching staff is quite “distributed”, working all around the province in various locations: home, libraries, and cafes are likely the three most popular spots. Home and LSS teachers are often out on home visits and meetings, Online teachers work remotely and often at late hours, and Blended teaches strike a balance between classroom teaching and connecting with the home. We have diverse working styles and needs, which suits the diversity of TLA families, as no two families are alike in their educational path.

The passion for service and the focused desire to examine and improve practices that our staff demonstrated at our conference last week was inspiring and energizing. Be assured that we are always striving for excellence with integrity in all of our efforts to honour your choice of TLA Online as your family’s distributed learning school.