Admissions for the 2024-25 school year are open.

Written by:

Rebecca Shulba


April 14, 2016

If you have stopped by TLA Hawthorne since January, you likely found me surrounded by piles of books on the floor! Yes, I am in a constant state of re-organizing over here. It has to get worse before it can get better, right?

Why am I in this constant state? Firstly, I have only been working at the TLA library since January and after the library’s big move from our main office to Hawthorne Square this past October, some sections were in a bit of a disarray. Secondly, it’s not your typical library like your local public library. Most of what we have on our shelves are textbooks, specific programs, and a variety of games/math manipulatives/DVDs etc. We don’t organize using the Dewey Decimal system or anything like this so it’s important to make sure the subject sections are clearly labeled in a way that we can locate specific items when your Home teacher orders your resource. So this has been my focus!

The shelves are looking better and better as the weeks progress (if I do say so myself!). I hope you’re stop by. And if you DO find me with piles of boxes and books surrounding me, fear not! It’s a work in progress!